Monday, August 31, 2009

Frank Injured and making more hats....

Frank has been really busy making more hats. He is sort of grounded and must sit most of the time. An 8 pound barbell fell on his big toe on his right foot and it split the skin and badly bruised it. He will really be making more hats for needy children while he is laid up.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Walk on the Beach

We took an early morning walk on the beach at sunrise. Picked up a few sea shells.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Frank's Hats

It has been way to hot and muggy to golf much lately, so we stay indoors doing our crafts. Here is Frank's latest batch of loom knitted hats. Hopefully in Sept. the weather will not be so hot and less humid. We have been going to the beach some evenings and spend several hours there on Thurdsay. Under a beach umbrella, of course.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Getting back to normal....

We are settled in our new home and things are getting back to normal. I have been crocheting baby items for God's Tiny Angels and Frank has been loom knitting hats for needy children. Our goal is to donate 500 items this year and it looks like we will reach our goal with only 177 items left to make. Here are some pictures of what we have been working on.